How do we do new things?
Every organization is perfectly designed for the results it gets. At least that’s how the saying goes. Whether you’re executing a new strategy or responding to an industry-level disruption, change often exists at odds with the most fundamental aspects of your business.
Our people-centered design approach is equipped to develop and articulate the principles, frameworks, and tools for innovative, iterative problem solving. From speedy ‘design sprints’ to large, company-wide initiatives, our work can be scaled up or down to fit your organization’s need for change.
Human-Centered Design Workshops
Futures Thinking Workshops
Customized Training Programs
How do we decide together?
When you combine complex problems and the opinions of a large group of people, it gets really difficult to agree on what’s good—good for the business, good for the customer, good for the world.
Implicit perspectives, agendas, and goals may misalign with the results we are trying to achieve. We often start by making what’s implicit, explicit. This puts us in a position to create understanding, which always proceeds durable decisions.
Framing & Strategic Alignment Sessions
Strategic Planning
How do we develop a strategy that leads to real impact?
Sound strategy is an organization’s path to a long-term goal—one that accounts for an uncertain future. When placing bets and making hard choices to create a preferable future, the objective is not to create a plan that eliminates risk but one that increases your odds of success.
Further° can make your journey easier by beginning with your strengths in mind. We embrace a proactive mindset and think of all possible ways to put your organization ahead of the curve.
Strategic Planning
Framing & Strategic Alignment Sessions
Futures Thinking Workshops

How do we navigate ambiguous times?
The answer may be, get a thinking partner. A Professional Thinking Partnership with Further Degree is about having a trusted ally who helps you navigate the ambiguity of leadership. It’s not just about solving problems—it’s about exploring new directions and crafting a clear path forward, even when the way ahead feels uncertain. This isn’t traditional coaching; it’s more like having a creative partner who brings fresh perspectives and tools like design thinking to help you uncover new possibilities.
Together, we’ll dive into your goals, brainstorm ideas, and refine them into actionable steps, all while staying grounded in your values and vision. With a focus on clarity and confidence, our partnership is about tackling the unknown and helping you make decisions that feel right, no matter how complex the challenges might be.