Throughout the week, our team posts articles to a channel in Slack called read-this. This helps us stay up to date on the ongoing trends in food mobility – the equitable and sustainable movement of nutrients through communities, from cultivation to consumption and value recovery.
At the beginning of the pandemic, we saw a walk-back of many sustainability efforts, favoring single-use plastic to address sanitation. However, we’ve seen companies make some moves back towards sustainable practices. Here are a few examples.

1. Maryland Just Became the First State to Ban Foam Takeout Containers
While several cities across the U.S. have banned the material, Maryland just became the first state to ban foam containers statewide. Polystyrene takes anywhere from 500 years to forever to fully break down and is notoriously difficult to recycle. This type of legislation is a trend to be mindful of—and the sea turtles are certainly appreciative.

2. If we want more companies like Patagonia, we need laws to enforce it
Many of the companies thriving during a tumultuous time in America have been focusing on triple-bottom-line initiatives before it became popular. Patagonia has offered on-site childcare for three decades and Ben & Jerry’s have been involved in racial advocacy prior to 2020. In this piece, Fast Company shares a take that legislation is required to spur change toward companies caring for more than simply a financial metric.

3. This is what Burger King’s new reusable packaging looks like
Have it your way…but bring it back. Burger King is trialing a reusable container system in a few cities that has customers use and return sandwich containers and beverage cups to its restaurants after use. BK is working in partnership to roll this out with Terracycle’s Loop system and it should be expanding into more cities soon.

4. Caps and pumps: Johnson & Johnson’s packaging changes put it on the path to a circular supply chain
By 2025, Johnson & Johnson’s consumer brands aim to use 100% recyclable, reusable or compostable plastic packaging, and certified/post-consumer recycled paper and pulp-based packaging. This article outlines several product packaging changes that are in progress to help J&J close the loop of packaging waste.

5. MeatEater’s Steven Rinella is helping America rethink its relationship with hunting
As a team focused on food mobility, we loved this article about MeatEater founder, Steven Rinella. Steven is an avid hunter with a show and a podcast and has a deep reverence for the environment and use of resources. Highly recommend giving it a read!